Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cotton Bowl 2010

Even though OSU lost in the Cotton Bowl, it was soo much fun. My little, Ashlyn, invited me to go with her family. We got there early and took pictures!! It was an awesome experience!

Snow, Snow, Snow!!!!

I just wanted to update everyone on our winter wonderland that we experienced here last week. We got 5 feet of snow, it was pretty amazing! The kids were out of school all week because of the snow. We spent 4 to 5 hours a day shoveling our driveways at both houses! (Advil became my new best friend!) And when we weren't shoveling we were packing to move! So needless to say, it was a very long week! The old commercial "Calgon, take me away!" came to my mind more than once! Anyone remember that oldie but goodie?! We are moving to our new home in the next couple of days, so again, another long week! I wanted to get these pictures posted before our internet gets switched over today so you guys could see how much snow we have. The pictures of Grant & Sloane are taken in the front and backyard of our old house. Another picture is taken looking down the street of our old house so you can see the snow on the street. There is also some pics of our new home since we haven't taken some up there in a long time. Think of us and all the fun we have been having...wish you all could join us!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Lori's Christmas Pics at the Schramms

Hilbert & Corky and their Grandkids.............................!

To see the rest of my Christmas Pics
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